
Suddenly I felt the need to paint ladybirds, or ladybugs as they tend to be called in the USA. I really enjoyed painting them, but I started to wonder why ladybirds sometimes smell. A little googling was needed. The smell it appears is from the yellow stuff they excrete and it’s a warning device called “reflex blood” to try to put off predators. I also found out that most British ladybirds have seven spots. Don’t count the spots on my paintings!

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3 Replies to “Ladybirds”

  1. They are so pretty. I just spent the last week in the mountains of southern Colorado with artist, Ginger Test, at a watercolor workshop. It was wonderful. We (19 students) did a new painting every day and had a great time. Now we are in Durango, CO and it appears our Norcold refrigerator has quit working so we will be on a mission to either get it fixed or a new one installed. (OUCH)

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